香橙甜酸醬/糖漬金橘 Orange Gastrique Sauce with Candied Kumquats

新鮮柳橙汁 Fresh orange juice 4 杯 cup
白砂糖 Granulated sugar 1-1/2杯 cup
大蒜 Garlic 10瓣 clove
薑片 Sliced Ginger 10片 slice
橙酒 Orange liquor 2大匙 Tbs
紅酒醋 Red wine vinegar 2杯+2大匙2 cups + 2 Tbs
金橘 Kumquat 12個 ea
黃燈籠辣椒Habanero 1個 ea
鹽 Salt 1/4小匙 tsp
黑胡椒 Black pepper 1/8小匙 tsp
無鹽牛油 Unsalted butter 2 大匙 Tbs
巴西利扁葉末 Minced flat leaf parsley 2大匙 Tbs
蝦夷蔥末 Minced chive 3大匙 Tbs
百里香末 Minced thyme 1小匙 tsp


食譜來源 (Recipe Source): Bobby Flay's Duck a l'Orange

3.. 盛出1杯步驟2的液體到另一個小鍋。加入金橘片繼續用中大火煮到金橘變軟而醬汁幾乎收乾,大約20分鐘。此為糖漬金橘。

1.Cut the kumquats into thin slices. Crush the garlic. Make small slits on the habanero.
2.Place the orange juice, sugar, garlic, ginger , orange liquor and 2 cups of wine vinegar in a sauce pan and bring the mixture to a boil. Continue to cook over medium-high heat until the liquid reduces by half. Drain the liquid through a sieve then pour it back to the sauce pan.
3.Transfer 1 cup of the liquid in step 2 to another sauce pan. Add the kumquat slices and cook over medium-high heat until they are soft and candied, approx. 20 minutes.
4.Cook the remaining liquid in step 2 until it reduces by half. Add the habanero and cook for 5 minutes. Discard the habanero. Season the sauce with salt and black pepper.
5.Step 1-4 can be done in advance. Store the sauce in the fridge. To finish the sauce, bring it to a boil then add 2 tbs. of red wine vinegar and cook for 1 minute. Add the butter and stir until it is melted. Finally stir in the parsley, thyme and chive.
6.Serve the sauce with candied kumquats.


香橙煎鴨胸圖片 香橙煎雞胸圖片
香橙煎鴨胸 Duck a l'Orange 香橙煎雞胸 Seared Chicken with Orange Sauce

最後更新 (Last Update): 12/29/2015
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